Thursday, April 7, 2011

well today instead of coffee i'm gonna talk about how its amazing that Britney Spears has been around so long. i mean this girl has been around since like 1998 and shes still here she hasn't been like one of the other pop stars who fade away into the shadows like others such as hilary duff. where did she go? point is no one really cared where she went because britney spears has always benn on the tabloids since the beginning. like how when she shaved her head she was all over every magazine and newspaper. then she got some attention from chris crocker because he flipped a big poop about how shes "not well"  but now in 2011 she has released her new album and has already had one iof her songs hit number one. "hold it against me" her newest song has hit number one and stayed there for a couple weeks but her new album is full of great songs like "till the world ends" or "black widow" she is in my book a very talented artist and really doesn't diserve the hate she gets for no reason like about how shes fat or how she is trashy she retalliated in a song like three years ago in "you want a piece of me" and that song also hit number one for a little while.point is in the ultimate words of chris crocker “leave Britney alone” but not because shes not well but because she is one fierce diva and she really doesn’t diserve all the hate shes been around for over 10 years I think that she has for deff earned her spot in super stardom so move over Lady GaGa you got some serious initiations to go through I mean don’t get me wrong I love GaGa just she needs to be around more to get all her phases out of her. But something tells me that she too will be around for a long time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 is one of the most known starbucks commercials ever!!! like when it came out everyone sang it because it was like mega catchy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

well today i will be posting a review about coffee. :) i just had duncan doughtnuts, starbucks, and mccafe all in the same day and true i was wired for the whole day but! i got to compare all three and in my opinion they are the three major coffee sellers. okay so i started with duncan doughnuts and when they made it in front of me i was so disapointed. it looked like a mcflurray with some coffee mix put in it like last minute. then i went to mcafe and got a mocha frappe. it was wayy better than duncan doughnuts and much more cost efficient and then i was so happy i got that because it was better than most coffee i had in a while which was a surprise and then!! i went to starbucks and i practically died and went to heavan it was so great and i got a venti which is the largest they have and it was gone in like five minutes tops so i think its fair to say that starbucks is still reining champ!!!
-~-~-~-~-~-~LATER HATER

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well I just got a coffee yesterday and I might even say that it was better than starbucks and guess what it was?! It was mcafe!! And it was like not even that expensive and then I realized that this is not bad coffee that if you compare it to a starbucks frapuccino it would be on par!! Hard to believe right that mcdonalds would be right up there with starbucks? Well I might even go as far to say that is was better BECAUSE it was price conscientious. But I think that it was waaayyy better than duncan doughnuts frappucino I mean that was kinda terrible to be honest I mean it was just like a chocolate milk with extra chocolate syup anmd to be even more honest when they make it front of yopu it looks way cheap because it comes out of a machine when starbucks does it and thdey make it in front of you it looks like it is made with REAL ingredients so it even looks delicious when they are m,aking it but that mcafe came out of no where like it broadsided me because I thought it would taste cheap because it was cheap but I guess it just goes as the saying goes looks are deceiving...but then i went to starbucks to see if it changed in taste and it didn't and it was wayyy better i mean the way that the chocolate chips crunched when you ate them and the slight expresso taste and when they make it in front of you it just looks like heavan in a cup and you just want more because i realized that everything right down to the whipped cream is better than mcafe!!! well thats about all i have to say on the subjecty :D
-later hater

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Afternoon Coffee Break: Recipe For Homemade Frappuccinos

by alice on July 17, 2009 · 87 comments

Before buying a nice espresso machine, my husband and I would go to Starbucks daily sometimes even twice.  With the current state of the economy we cannot in good conscience or afford to continue spending $12/daily.  Instead we opted to invest in a nice home espresso machine knowing the machine would pay itself off in a few months.  And for the record it has.  Now we just make our favorite espresso drinks at home. Most  mornings I usually drink a hot latte but by afternoon you can find me drinking an iced coffee beverage including my own home version of a Starbucks Frappuccino. Besides saving Instead of giving Starbucks almost $5  for a frappuccino, I feel better knowing I have broken free from the power of the green topless mermaid.  Let me tell you right now how much I love making these at home because of the flexibility of controlling the amount of sugar, type of milk(s), and flavoring (therefore calories) to cater to whatever it is I’m craving.  It is my own personal opinion that these homemade iced coffee blended drinks are just as good as the local mermaid-cafe if not better.  As an added bonus, it only take less than 2 minutes from start to finish.  So if you find yourself trying to save some money (and who isn’t?) but love frappuccinos may I present to you my version of this beloved favorite.

Alice’s home version of Starbucks Frappuccino Recipe
1.5 cups of crushed iced
2-1 ounce shots of espresso *read below using coffee as a substitute
3/4 cup of milk
3 tbl. of sugar (more or less depending on preference)
*optional whipped cream in a can or freshly made and chocolate syrup
*If you don’t have an espresso machine, use 3/4 cup of double strength (strong) coffee mixed with 1/2 cup of milk and increased crushed iced amount by 1/4 cup.

Blend all the ingredients except the whipped cream in a blender for 30-45 seconds.  Pour into a tall glass and top off with whipped cream and garnish with chocolate syrup. Best served with a straw. Enjoy!

Alice’s home version of Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Recipe
*Prepare everything the same as a regular Frappuccino (recipe above) except reduce sugar to 2 tbl. and add 2 tbl. of chocolate syrup. Enjoy!
**Other Variations**
*Use splenda, flavored coffee syrups, or flavored coffee creamers for a portion of the milk. For a richer beverage, use half and half, or heavy cream for a portion of the milk.

**Disclaimer: This is not Starbuck’s actual proprietary recipe. This is my own version copycat clone frappuccino recipe of it. This recipe is for a blended icy coffee frappe / beverage similar to but not the same as Starbucks
This is a great recipe for making a frapuccino that even I would try because its easy and would be great thing to make if you have ten minutes to spare in your busy day J then all you have to do is sit back and relax with your icy delicious beverage

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting caffeinated is going to get costlier.
The J.M. Smucker Co. just bumped up the price of most Folgers, Dunkin’ Donuts, Millstone and Folger Gourmet Selections coffees that are sold retail IN THE U.S., according to reuters

The approximate nine percent hike is due to ongoing increases in the cost of green coffee beans.

The price increase will be immediate.

Prices for the aforementioned coffee brands had already been jacked up by an average of four percent in May by Smuckers.
Arabica coffee futures started a steep climb back in June. IN the past eight weeks, the market has increased nearly 35 percent.

Washed Arabica beans, the top quality coffee usually used in brewed coffee, are in tight supply right now, Reuters reports.
Prices for robusta beans, usually processed into inexpensive instant coffee or used in part of a brewed blend as a money saver, are also on the rise. Which means that consumers will soon be shelling out more cash for that cuppa joe

               i for one think that is soooooooooooooooooooo un believeable that maybe pigs can fly now. i mean think about it 35% is a big rise when your talking about paying for something. i think that when you pay for something you should enjoy paying for it like when you buy a new coache purse or something expensive you want to get a lot of wear out of it but its a cup of coffee!!  That is just not fair to like anyone at all. I think that instead of imp[orting so mech coffee we should start growing more of our own coffee so then we wouldn’t have to import as much which would intern lower the prices of coffee in the united states but it would probably grown up north but come on what do they ever provide anyone else with?
             LATER HATER...

Monday, February 7, 2011

more coffee

Coffee is real good when you drink it it gives you time to think. It's a lot more than just a drink; it's something happening. Not as in hip, but like an event, a place to be, but not like a location, but like somewhere within yourself. It gives you time, but not actual hours or minutes, but a chance to be, like be yourself, and have a second cup.    Said Gertrude Stein one who did a lot of poetry but this quote speaks to me on a higher level because i get what what she means its like having your favorite food when you want it but your favorite beverage instead. i thuinks it's saying coffee also gives you time to slow down and realize whats going on around you like what she says you don't actuallyslow down but  you think about so many things whether its what kind your going to get next time or if its how great it tastes or how much you needed that cup of coffee it just makes you think about the future and the present in my opinion.
                        -LATER HATER

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

welcome blog

Thank you for choosing my blog J
 well I think that we should find a way to lower the prices of starbucks coffe prices, or other expensive shops like joe mugs, barneys, and dunkin doughnuts.  Paying close to $3.00 even for Mcafe’  coffee is very outrageous and shouldn’t be done it is a mutiny to coffee lovers everywhere!! I am a frequent Starbucks goer and I love my fair share of they’re coffee, but making people pay like $5.30 for a venti double chocolate chip frappacino with an extra scoop of chocolate chips extra mocha no foam and a touch of caramel is just simply annoying, outrageous, and redonkculious!!!  But that’s not saying that their coffee isn’t worthy of being paid for I mean it is very very good coffee. I’m to the point that I want a Starbucks in my back yard brcause its so delicious but they should  just lower the price a lil bit I mean think about it if they did they would sell more coffee to people because it’s cheaper and it’s still that great sStarbucks taste I am a hardcore believer that with right price comes better sales and their prices are not right at all even mcafe’ is to expensive its like $4.00 for a large iced coffe. That is my point and I think others points as well.
                                Later hater